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Sales Forecasting Model Considering the Local Environment  

Kim, Chul Soo (Department of Computer Science and Statistics, Jeju National University)
Oh, Su Min (Department of Computer Science and Statistics, Jeju National University)
Park, So Yeon (Department of Computer Science and Statistics, Jeju National University)
Publication Information
Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods / v.19, no.6, 2012 , pp. 849-858 More about this Journal
Today, local environmental factors has an influence on our society. Local environmental factors, as well as weather-related natural phenomena, social phenomena are also included. In this paper, numeric factors and categorical factors were analyzed, looking for a local environmental factors affecting the company's sales.Sales model by performing a regression analysis based on this was implemented.Sales model considering the local environment had an accuracy of 88.89%.
Sales forecasting model; local environmental factor; clustering analysis; k-means algorithms;
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