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Main Gene Combinations and Genotype Identification of Hanwoo Quality with SNPHarvester  

Bae, Jae-Young (Department of Statistics, Yeungnam University)
Lee, Jea-Young (Department of Statistics, Yeungnam University)
Publication Information
Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods / v.19, no.6, 2012 , pp. 799-808 More about this Journal
It is known that human disease and the economic traits of livestock are significantly affected by a gene combination effect rather than a single gene effect. Existing methods to study this gene combination effect have disadvantages such as heavy computing, cost and time; therefore, to overcome those drawbacks, the SNPHarvester was developed to find the main gene combinations. In this paper, we looked for gene combinations using an adjusted linear regression model. This research finds that superior gene combinations which are related to the quality of the Korean beef cattle among sets of SNPs using SNPHarvester. We also identify the superior genotypes using a decision tree that can enhance the various qualities of Korean beef among selected a SNP combination.
CART; Genotype; k-means; SNPHarvester;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 3  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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