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Statistical Properties of News Coverage Data  

Lim, Eunju (Department of Statistics, Seoul National University)
Hahn, Kyu S. (Department of Communication, Seoul National University)
Lim, Johan (Department of Statistics, Seoul National University)
Kim, Myungsuk (School of Business, Sogang University)
Park, Jeongyeon (Department of Statistics, Seoul National University)
Yoon, Jihee (Department of Statistics, Seoul National University)
Publication Information
Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods / v.19, no.6, 2012 , pp. 771-780 More about this Journal
In the current analysis, we examine news coverage data widely used in media studies. News coverage data is usually time series data to capture the volume or the tone of the news media's coverage of a topic. We first describe the distributional properties of autoregressive conditionally heteroscadestic(ARCH) effects and compare two major American newspaper's coverage of U.S.-North Korea relations. Subsequently, we propose a change point detection model and apply it to the detection of major change points in the tone of American newspaper coverage of U.S.-North Korea relations.
ARCH effects; mass media; dynamic programming; news coverage data; change point analysis;
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