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Anti-Oxidant Activities of Fucosterol from the Marine Algae Pelvetia siliquosa  

Lee, Sang-Hyun (Natural Products Research Institute, Seoul National University)
Lee, Yeon-Sil (Seokwon Life Science Research Institute, World Sea Green Co. Ltd.)
Jung, Sang-Hoon (Natural Products Research Institute, Seoul National University)
Kang, Sam-Sik (Natural Products Research Institute, Seoul National University)
Shin, Kuk-Hyun (Seokwon Life Science Research Institute, World Sea Green Co. Ltd.)
Publication Information
Archives of Pharmacal Research / v.26, no.9, 2003 , pp. 719-722 More about this Journal
The anti-oxidant activities of fucosterol isolated from the marine algae Pelvetia siliquosa were investigated. Fucosterol exhibited a significant decrease in serum transaminase activities elevated by hepatic damage induced by $CCl_4$-intoxication in rats. Fucosterol inhibited the sGOT and sGPT activities by 25.57 and 63.16%, respectively. Fucosterol showed the increase in the anti-oxidant enzymes such as hepatic cytosolic superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-px) activities by 33.89, 21.56 and 39.24%, respectively, in $CCl_4$-intoxicated rats. These results suggest that fucosterol possess not only the anti-oxidant, but also the hepatoprotective activities in rats.
Pelvetia siliquosa; Fucaceae; Fucosterol; Anti-oxidant enzymes; s-Transaminases $CCl_4-intoxication$;
Citations & Related Records

Times Cited By Web Of Science : 14  (Related Records In Web of Science)
Times Cited By SCOPUS : 15
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