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Biominerlization and Possible Endosulfan Degradation Pathway Adapted by Aspergillus niger  

Bhalerao, Tejomyee S. (School of Environmental and Earth Sciences, North Maharashtra University)
Publication Information
Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology / v.23, no.11, 2013 , pp. 1610-1616 More about this Journal
Endosulfan is a chlorinated pesticide; its persistence in the environment and toxic effects on biota are demanding its removal. This study aims at improving the tolerance of the previously isolated fungus Aspergillus niger (A. niger) ARIFCC 1053 to endosulfan. Released chloride, dehalogenase activity, and released proteins were estimated along with analysis of endosulfan degradation and pathway identification. The culture could tolerate 1,000 mg/ml of technical grade endosulfan. Complete disappearance of endosulfan was seen after 168 h of incubation. The degradation study could easily be correlated with increase in released chlorides, dehalogenase activity and protein released. Comparative infrared spectral analysis suggested that the molecule of endosulfan was degraded efficiently by A. niger ARIFCC 1053. Obtained mass ion values by GC-MS suggested a hypothetical pathway during endosulfan degradation by A. niger ARIFCC 1053. All these results provide a basis for the development of bioremediation strategies to remediate the pollutant under study in the environment.
Biodegradation; endosulfan; Aspergillus niger;
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