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EER-ASSL: Combining Rollback Learning and Deep Learning for Rapid Adaptive Object Detection  

Ahmed, Minhaz Uddin (Department of Computer Engineering, Inha University)
Kim, Yeong Hyeon (Department of Computer Engineering, Inha University)
Rhee, Phill Kyu (Department of Computer Engineering, Inha University)
Publication Information
KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS) / v.14, no.12, 2020 , pp. 4776-4794 More about this Journal
We propose a rapid adaptive learning framework for streaming object detection, called EER-ASSL. The method combines the expected error reduction (EER) dependent rollback learning and the active semi-supervised learning (ASSL) for a rapid adaptive CNN detector. Most CNN object detectors are built on the assumption of static data distribution. However, images are often noisy and biased, and the data distribution is imbalanced in a real world environment. The proposed method consists of collaborative sampling and EER-ASSL. The EER-ASSL utilizes the active learning (AL) and rollback based semi-supervised learning (SSL). The AL allows us to select more informative and representative samples measuring uncertainty and diversity. The SSL divides the selected streaming image samples into the bins and each bin repeatedly transfers the discriminative knowledge of the EER and CNN models to the next bin until convergence and incorporation with the EER rollback learning algorithm is achieved. The EER models provide a rapid short-term myopic adaptation and the CNN models an incremental long-term performance improvement. EER-ASSL can overcome noisy and biased labels in varying data distribution. Extensive experiments shows that EER-ASSL obtained 70.9 mAP compared to state-of-the-art technology such as Faster RCNN, SSD300, and YOLOv2.
Object Detection; Active Learning; Semi-Supervised Learning; Convolutional Neural Network;
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