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Biological Effectiveness of Methionine Hydroxy-analogue Calcium Salt in Relation to DL-Methionine in Broiler Chickens  

Elwert, C. (Feedtest, Gottgau 3b)
de Fernandes, E. Abreu (UFU)
Lemme, A. (Evonik Degussa GmbH)
Publication Information
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences / v.21, no.10, 2008 , pp. 1506-1515 More about this Journal
Two feeding trials were conducted to assess the relative bioavailability (RBV) of methionine hydroxy analogue calcium salt (MHA-Ca) in comparison to DL-methionine (DL-Met). Male Ross 308 (1-38 days) and Cobb 500 chickens (1-42 days) were used in studies 1 and 2, respectively. Experimental diets based on wheat and soybean meal or sorghum and soybean meal were fed during three phases. In both experiments graded levels of DL-Met and MHA-Ca were supplemented to Met+Cys deficient basal diets. Additionally, in experiment 1, increasing levels of a DL-Met preparation diluted with corn starch to 65% purity (DL-Met65) were supplemented. Birds were kept in floor pens and feed and water were available ad libitum. Body weights and feed consumption were recorded at the beginning and end of the experimental periods and weight gain and feed efficacy were computed subsequently. At the end of the experiments, a number of birds were slaughtered for carcass evaluation (dressing percentage, breast meat yield). Dose response data were analysed by both ANOVA and nonlinear common plateau asymptotic regression. In both experiments birds responded significantly to increasing levels of either methionine source. However, RBV of MHA-Ca compared to DL-Met was markedly (in many cases significantly) below 84%, the value which would have been expected from MHA-Ca's chemical characteristics. Excluding some extremely low RBV figures of trial 2, RBV of MHA-Ca averaged to about 63% in relation to DL-Met. In addition, supplementation of DL-Met65 allowed confirmation of nonlinear common plateau asymptotic regression to be suitable to determine RBV.
Broiler; Methionine Sources; Relative Efficiency; Performance;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
Times Cited By Web Of Science : 0  (Related Records In Web of Science)
Times Cited By SCOPUS : 1
연도 인용수 순위
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