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Biochemical, Haematological and Thyroid Hormone Profile in Healthy Indian Kathiawari Horses  

Gupta, A.K. (National Research Centre on Equines)
Kumar, Sanjay (National Research Centre on Equines)
Pal, Yash (National Research Centre on Equines)
Publication Information
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences / v.15, no.8, 2002 , pp. 1215-1221 More about this Journal
Normal haematological and biochemical indices along with thyroid hormone status were studied in healthy Kathiawari horses of different age groups (yearling, young stock, adults and old stock) belonging to either sex. Effect of both age and sex was observed on thyroid hormone levels, haematological and biochemical indices. In females, hemoglobin levels was significantly lower in yearlings than adult animals while total leukocyte counts were higher in yearlings than equids of other age groups. Sex had effect only on total erythrocyte counts, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration and mean corpuscular hemoglobin in horses of 1-3 years age group (young stock) and on packed cell volume in adult female and male equids. Among biochemical indices, activities of enzymes were observed to be influenced both by age and sex. Creatine kinase, gamma glutamyl transferase, glutamate pyruvate transaminase, glutamic oxaloacetate transaminase and lactate dehydrogenase activities were significantly higher in young and adult equids than animals of other age groups in Kathiawari horses while activity of alkaline phosphatase was significantly higher in yearlings than equids belonging to other age groups in both male and females. However, activity of sorbitol dehydrogenase was unaltered due to both sex and age factor. Albumin, bilirubin direct, bilirubin total, cholesterol, creatinine, protein, triglyceride and uric acid were statistically different in various age and sex groups of horses. Calcium, magnesium and chloride contents were almost same in various age groups of male horses. Significantly higher levels of $T_3$ and $T_4$ were observed in both male and female yearlings as compared to equids of other age groups in both the sexes.
Kathiawari; Breed; Horses; Biochemical; Haematology; $T_3$; $T_4$; Indices;
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Times Cited By Web Of Science : 2  (Related Records In Web of Science)
Times Cited By SCOPUS : 2
연도 인용수 순위
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