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Chemically Aged Asian Dust Particles Proven by Traditional Spot Test and the Most Advanced micro-PIXE  

Ma, Chang-Jin (Department of Environmental Science, Fukuoka Women's University)
Tohno, Susumu (Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University)
Kang, Gong-Unn (Department of Medical Administration, Wonkwang Health Science University)
Publication Information
Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment / v.10, no.2, 2016 , pp. 114-123 More about this Journal
A change in chemical compositions of Asian dust (AD) particles can dramatically alter their optical properties, cloud-forming properties, and health effects. The present study was undertaken to evaluate this aging of AD particles by means of two complementary methods (i.e., the traditional spot test and the most advanced micro-PIXE analytical technique) for single particle analysis. Size-classified particles were sampled at the rural peninsula of Korea (Byunsan, 35.37N; 126.27E) during AD event and non-AD period in 2004. Sulfate was principally enriched on the particles in the size range of $7.65-10.85{\mu}m$ collected during AD event. The average number fraction of coarse particles ($>2.05{\mu}m$) containing chloride was 16.2% during AD event. Relatively low particles containing nitrate compared to those containing sulfate and chloride were found in AD event. Micro-PIXE elemental maps indicated that a large number of AD particles were internally mixed with man-made zinc. The highest peaks of EC and OC concentrations were appeared at $0.01-0.43{\mu}m$ particle aerodynamic diameter. High EC concentration in $PM_1$ was might be caused by the Saemangeum Seawall Project that was being conducted during our field measurement.
Asian dust; Single particle; Byunsan Peninsula; Long-range transport; Spot test;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
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