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An Analysis of the Senior Employment Programs for Wellness in Changwon City based on Blended Return On Investment  

Jang, Yumi (Design Institute, Inje University)
Jin, Jaemoon (Department of Social Welfare, Kyungsung University)
Publication Information
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the economic and social impact of the SEP in which the elderly participate by using the blended return on investment (BROI), economic return on investment (EROI), and social return on investment (SROI) research methods. And the sustainable conditions of SEP were confirmed. This study was conducted with one market-type SEP approved by the Korea Elderly Labor Force Development Institute (KLFDI), one preliminary social enterprise approved by Changwon City Hall, and one market-type SEP operated by a social welfare center for the elderly. As a result of the study, it was found that EROI, SROI, and BROI were the highest in the SEP of preliminary social enterprises operated by subsidies in Changwon.However, the difference between EROI and SROI was greatest in the market-type SEP operated by the elderly social welfare center. There was a big difference between economic and social impacts. The social influence of the elderly was evaluated to be higher than the income of the elderly.
Senior Employment Programs (SEPs); Blended Return On Investment (BROI); Economic Return on Investment (EROI); Social Return on Investment (SROI);
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  • Reference
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