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Multimodal Attention-Based Fusion Model for Context-Aware Emotion Recognition  

Vo, Minh-Cong (Dept of Artificial Intelligence Convergence, Chonnam National University)
Lee, Guee-Sang (Dept of Artificial Intelligence Convergence, Chonnam National University)
Publication Information
Human Emotion Recognition is an exciting topic that has been attracting many researchers for a lengthy time. In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in exploiting contextual information on emotion recognition. Some previous explorations in psychology show that emotional perception is impacted by facial expressions, as well as contextual information from the scene, such as human activities, interactions, and body poses. Those explorations initialize a trend in computer vision in exploring the critical role of contexts, by considering them as modalities to infer predicted emotion along with facial expressions. However, the contextual information has not been fully exploited. The scene emotion created by the surrounding environment, can shape how people perceive emotion. Besides, additive fusion in multimodal training fashion is not practical, because the contributions of each modality are not equal to the final prediction. The purpose of this paper was to contribute to this growing area of research, by exploring the effectiveness of the emotional scene gist in the input image, to infer the emotional state of the primary target. The emotional scene gist includes emotion, emotional feelings, and actions or events that directly trigger emotional reactions in the input image. We also present an attention-based fusion network, to combine multimodal features based on their impacts on the target emotional state. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the method, through a significant improvement on the EMOTIC dataset.
Context-aware; Multimodal fusion; Attention-based fusion; Emotion recognition; Deep learning;
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