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Development of a Power Plant Simulation Tool with GUI based on General Purpose Design Software  

Kim Dong Wook (NETEC)
Youn Cheong (Department of Computer Science, Chungnam National University)
Cho Byung-Hak (Korea Electric Power Research Intitute)
Son Gihun (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sogang University)
Publication Information
International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems / v.3, no.3, 2005 , pp. 493-501 More about this Journal
A power plant simulation tool ('PowerSim') has been developed with 10 years experience from the development of a plant simulator for efficient modeling of a power plant. PowerSim is the first developed tool in Korea for plant simulation with various plant component models, instructor station function and the Graphic Model Builder (GMB). PowerSim is composed of a graphic editor using general purpose design software, a netlist converter, component models, the scheduler, Instructor Station and an executive. The graphic editor generates a netlist that shows the connection status of the various plant components from the Simdiagram, which is drawn by Icon Drag method supported by GUI environment of the PowerSim. Netlist Converter normalizes the connection status of the components. Scheduler makes scheduling for the execution of the device models according to the netlist. Therefore, the user makes Simdiagram based on the plant Pipe and Instrument Drawing (P&ID) and inputs the plant data for automatic simulating execution. This paper introduces Graphic Model Builder (GMB), instructor station, executive and the detailed introduction of thermal-hydraulic modeling. This paper will also introduce basic ideas on how the simulation Diagram, based on netlist generated from general purpose design software, is made and how the system is organized. The developed tool has been verified through the simulation of a real power plant.
Graphic model builder; instructor station; netlist; component model; simulation solver;
Citations & Related Records

Times Cited By Web Of Science : 3  (Related Records In Web of Science)
Times Cited By SCOPUS : 2
연도 인용수 순위
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