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Clostridioides difficile Infection Is Associated with Adverse Outcomes among Hospitalized Pediatric Patients with Acute Pancreatitis  

Thavamani, Aravind (Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, UH Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital/Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine)
Umapathi, Krishna Kishore (Division of Pediatric Cardiology, Rush University Medical Center)
Khatana, Jasmine (Department of Pediatrics, MetroHealth Medical Center/Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine)
Sankararaman, Senthilkumar (Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, UH Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital/Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine)
Publication Information
Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition / v.25, no.1, 2022 , pp. 61-69 More about this Journal
Purpose: Studies in adults have shown an increasing incidence of Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI) in patients hospitalized with acute pancreatitis (AP). There is lack of epidemiological data on CDI and its impact on hospitalized pediatric patients with AP. Methods: We analyzed the National Inpatient Sample and Kids' Inpatient Database between the years 2003 and 2016 and included all patients (age <21 years) with a primary diagnosis of AP using specific International Classification of Diseases codes. We compared clinical outcomes between children with CDI and those without CDI. Our primary outcome was severe AP and secondary outcomes included length of stay and hospital charges. Results: A total of 123,240 hospitalizations related to AP were analyzed and CDI was noted in 0.6% of the hospital. The prevalence rate of CDI doubled from 0.4% (2003) to 0.8% (2016), p=0.03. AP patients with CDI had increased comorbidities, and also underwent more invasive surgical procedures, p<0.05. AP patients with CDI had a higher in-hospital mortality rate and increased prevalence of severe AP, p<0.001. Multivariate regression models showed that CDI was associated with 2.4 times (confidence interval [CI]: 1.91 to 3.01, p<0.001) increased odds of severe AP. CDI patients had 7.24 (CI: 6.81 to 7.67, p<0.001) additional hospital days while incurring $59,032 (CI: 54,050 to 64,014, p<0.001) additional hospitalization charges. Conclusion: CDI in pediatric patients with AP is associated with adverse clinical outcomes and increased healthcare resource utilization. Further studies are needed to elucidate this association to prevent the development of CDI and to improve outcomes.
Clostridioides difficile; Pancreatitis; Mortality; Length of stay; Hospital charges; Child;
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