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Secondary nipple reconstruction using two surgical techniques  

Chung, Jae-Ho (Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Korea University Anam Hospital)
Kim, Da-Som (Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Korea University Anam Hospital)
Yeo, Hyun-Dong (Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Korea University Anam Hospital)
Jung, Seung-Pil (Department of Breast and Endocrine Surgery, Korea University Anam Hospital)
Park, Seung-Ha (Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Korea University Anam Hospital)
Yoon, Eul-Sik (Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Korea University Anam Hospital)
Publication Information
Archives of Plastic Surgery / v.48, no.6, 2021 , pp. 590-598 More about this Journal
Background Although the initial projection after primary nipple reconstruction is excellent, nipple projection gradually flattens in most cases due to multiple causes. Although various methods have been reported to rebuild the nipple after nipple flattening, the most effective method of secondary nipple reconstruction remains unknown. The aim of this study was to review our institution's experiences with secondary nipple reconstruction. Methods We conducted a retrospective review from March 2012 to January 2019. We performed secondary nipple reconstruction if the primary reconstructed nipple height differed by more than 6 mm from the normal nipple height. We chose the method of nipple revision according to the degree of tissue scarring and the remaining nipple projection. Results We performed secondary nipple reconstruction on a total of 27 nipples, using purse-string sutures for 19 nipples and star flaps in eight nipples. The median follow-up period was 8 months (range, 6-19 months) after the final nipple reconstruction. Among the 19 nipples reconstructed using purse-string sutures, 10 (53%) demonstrated acceptable projection of more than 5 mm. Among the eight nipples reconstructed using star flaps, six (75%) showed acceptable projection of more than 5 mm. Most of the patients (73%) were satisfied (scores of 4 or 5) with the nipple reconstruction overall. Conclusions Few studies have presented favorable outcomes of secondary nipple reconstruction. When the star flap and purse-string suture methods were used depending on the remaining nipple height and scarring, appropriate projection could be achieved.
Nipples; Reconstructive surgical procedures; Surgical flaps;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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