Review of Acute Traumatic Closed Mallet Finger Injuries in Adults |
Botero, Santiago Salazar
(Department of Hand Surgery, SOS main, CCOM, University Hospital of Strasbourg, FMTS, University of Strasbourg)
Diaz, Juan Jose Hidalgo (Department of Hand Surgery, SOS main, CCOM, University Hospital of Strasbourg, FMTS, University of Strasbourg) Benaida, Anissa (Department of Orthopaedics, CHU Blida, Saad Dahleb University) Collon, Sylvie (Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Caen University Hospital) Facca, Sybille (Department of Hand Surgery, SOS main, CCOM, University Hospital of Strasbourg, FMTS, University of Strasbourg) Liverneaux, Philippe Andre (Department of Hand Surgery, SOS main, CCOM, University Hospital of Strasbourg, FMTS, University of Strasbourg) |
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