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Usefulness of Venous Graft in Hand Injury  

Lee, Hak-Sung (Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, College of Medicine, Hanyang University)
Kim, Youn-Hwan (Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, College of Medicine, Hanyang University)
Kim, Chang-Yeon (Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, College of Medicine, Hanyang University)
Kim, Jeong-Tae (Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, College of Medicine, Hanyang University)
Ahn, Hee-Chang (Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, College of Medicine, Hanyang University)
Publication Information
Archives of Plastic Surgery / v.37, no.4, 2010 , pp. 396-399 More about this Journal
Purpose: In hand injury, pedicle is usually damaged by avulsion injury or crushing injury. Because of postoperative pedicle obliteration, it is often hard to save the injured hand and fingers, even after successful replantation. The author introduces three cases of extensive hand injury, and successful results after applicatoin of multiple venous grafts to these patients. Methods: In all cases there was no circulation in any finger. In the first case, some vessels were extracted, so venous graft was applied to two sites of severely damaged venous sites. In the second case, venous grafts were applied to all four digital arteries of all fingers except thumb which got severely crushed, and two sites of dorsal veins. In the third case, venous graft was applied to all four digital arteries of all five fingers, and two sites of dorsal veins and palmar veins each. Results: In all cases, survival of hands and fingers was successful. In the second case, however, amputation in thumb and little finger at DIP joint level was inevitable, because of its severe damage, and the large dorsal defect on index finger was filled with DIEP free flap. Thumb was reconstructed with toe-to-thumb free flap, and additional debulking procedures and contracture release is furtherly needed. In the first case, additional surgery was done, as FDP tendon got re-ruptured, but in long term follow-up, satisfactory range of motion was attained. In the third case, FTSG on dorsal skin region was planned. as flap on dorsal area got partial necrosis. Conclusion: In hand injury, there are many structures to be repaired, but sometimes venous graft is avoided for its long operating time. Even though the length of damaged vessel is enough for anastomosis, the endothelium is often damaged (zone of injury). In extensive hand injury, successful reconstruction would be possible with active venous graft to all vessels suspicious for damage.
Hand injury; Venous graft; Interpositional venous graft; Zone of injury;
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