Purpose: To retrieve the retracted flexor tendon, additional incision and wide dissection are conventionally required. We introduce minimal - incision tenorrhaphy using 1 cm - length incision and minimal dissection. Methods: Transverse incision about 1 cm - length is made over the level of retracted tendon. Nelaton's catheter is advanced into tendon sheath from distal primary laceration wound to emerge proximally through the incisional wound. Catheter is sutured to proximal tendon in end - to - end fashion. By gently pulling the catheter, retracted tendon is delivered to distal wound. Tenorrhaphy with core suture and epitendinous suture is then carried out. Results: This retrieving technique provides minimal incision, minimal dissection, minimal bleeding, minimal injury to tendon end, and shorter operation time with preservation of vincula tendinum and pulley system. Conclusion: In case of flexor tendon rupture with retraction, this operative method is believed to allow reliable and effective tenorrhaphy and excellent postoperative outcomes.