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Orthognathic surgery in a patient with Factor VII deficiency: A Case Report  

Baek, Rong Min (Department of Plastic Surgery Seoul National University Bundang Hospital)
Oh, Myung June (Department of Plastic Surgery Seoul National University Bundang Hospital)
Lee, Sang Woo (Department of Plastic Surgery Seoul National University Bundang Hospital)
Publication Information
Archives of Plastic Surgery / v.36, no.1, 2009 , pp. 93-95 More about this Journal
Purpose: Congenital factor VII (FVII) deficiency is a rare bleeding disorder and surgery can cause excessive bleeding due to an extrinsic pathway problem. It can be diagnosed by increased PT and decreased FVII level in coagulation test. Symptom varies according to the level of FVII, but it is essential to prevent intraoperative excessive bleeding. Methods: In this report, we described the orthognatic surgery experience in a mandibular prognathism patient with congenital FVII deficiency, in which recombinant activated factor VII (rFVIIa) was used to manage the bleeding. Rsults: We could get a successful result without any complication and there was minimal intraoperative bleeding. Conclusion: The orthognathic surgery could therefore be safely performed in patients with congenital factor VII deficiency using rFVIIa.
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