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Both buccal mucosa transposition flap for reconstruction of lower lip near-total mucosal defect  

Park, Bo Young (Department of Plastic and Reconstructive surgery, Ewha womans university medical school)
Kang, So Ra (Department of Plastic and Reconstructive surgery, Ewha womans university medical school)
Kim, Yang Woo (Department of Plastic and Reconstructive surgery, Ewha womans university medical school)
Publication Information
Archives of Plastic Surgery / v.36, no.1, 2009 , pp. 109-112 More about this Journal
Purpose: Squamous cell carcinoma(SCC) of the lower lip is the most common malignant tumor comprising 90% of all lip SCC. The typical picture of SCC of the lower lip is of an ulcerated lesion with raised margins. Surgery is the treatment of choice for SCC of lower lip. Depending on the location and size of the tumor, different types of flaps are used. We used new method - 'both buccal mucosa transposition flap' for the reconstruction of the near total mucosal defect of the lower lip. Methods: This 67 - year - old men presented with the crusted $1cm{\times}1cm$ sized ulceration of the lower lip that was arised 30 years ago. There were no size and color change, except the bleeding and ulceration. At first, We diagnosed the SCC through the incisinal biopsy. Then We performed the wide excision of the tumor and reconstruction of the lower lip. After the excision of the whole tumor, the defect was measured at $8cm{\times}3.5cm$. We designed the buccal mucosa transposition flap taking care to avoid the parotid duct. The flap was made in a triangular shape for the reconstruction of defected lower lip. The donor site defect can be sutured primarily. Results: A patient in this study had no postoperative complications such as necrosis, dehiscence, infection of the flap or donor site. Reconstructed lower lip is relatively close to that of the natural lip; More satisfactory aesthetic and functional results can be obtained by using this technique rather than other techniques. Conclusion: 'Both buccal mucosa transposition flap' is reliable method for the reconstruction of the large lower lip mucosal defect. The operation is simple and performed in one stage, with no postoperative complications. This technique can offer consistently good functional and esthetic outcomes after reconstruction of lower lip mucosal defect.
Lip reconstruction - Lip carcinoma;
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  • Reference
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