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A Case Report of Salivary Duct Carcinoma  

Park, Sung Wook (Department of Plastic and Reconstruction Surgery, College of Medicine, Pochon Cha University)
Kang, Sang Yoon (Department of Plastic and Reconstruction Surgery, University of Kyunghee College of Medicine)
Kim, Tae Hun (Department of Pathology, College of Medicine, Pochon Cha University)
Kim, Chung Hun (Department of Plastic and Reconstruction Surgery, College of Medicine, Pochon Cha University)
Publication Information
Archives of Plastic Surgery / v.35, no.5, 2008 , pp. 607-610 More about this Journal
Purpose: Salivary duct carcinoma(SDC) is uncommon but high grade adenocarcinoma arising in the ductal epithelium of salivary glands. SDC is characterized by distinctive clinical and pathologic features. The most important histologic aspect of this neoplasm is its resemblance to ductal carcinoma of the breast. Clinically SDC is defined by cervical lymph node involvement and distant metastasis with a high rate of recurrence and mortality. We described some of the clinical and pathological features of SDC and the management using case report for our patient. Methods: We present a case of a 40-year-old male with 2-year history of a swelling arising in his left preauricular region. There was a single painless, firm and solid $2{\times}1.5cm$ mass in the left parotid area. Facial nerve function was intact and no cervical lymph node were palpable. In August 2005, we found out $1.7{\times}1.8cm$ sized cystic, nodular lesions that were located in the superficial lobe of left parotid gland through Computed tomography. And then superficial parotidectomy and postoperative radiation therapy were performed in Jan 2007. Results: Pathologically, the specimen were consisted of homogeneous, chondoid to myxoid type of tissues. It was yellow mass that has multiloculated cystic lesions. In postoperative PET(Positiron emission tomography) CT, there was no evidence of uptaking FDG(Fluorodeoxyglucose) into the deep layers of parotid gland and distant metastasis were not seen. Conclusion: Salivary duct carcinoma(SDC) is a rare but high grade adenocarcinoma related to pleomorphic adenocarcinoma. The prognosis of SDC can be different according to the type of tumor such as mucoepidermoid adenocarcinoma, adenoid duct carcinoma and acinar cell carcinoma. So we need to study more carefully for accurate diagnosis in early stage of diagnosis. Although radiotherapy has not yet proven to be a significant factor in overall survival, the combination of parotidectomy and postoperative radiation therapy can lead to more favorable results in treating of SDC.
Salivary duct carcinoma; Parotidectomy;
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