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XPS® Microresector for Treatment of Axillary Osmidrosis  

Han, Byung Ki (Department of Plastic and Reconstruction Surgery, College of Medicine, Pochon Cha University)
Park, Sung Wook (Department of Plastic and Reconstruction Surgery, College of Medicine, Pochon Cha University)
Song, Jea Yong (Department of Plastic and Reconstruction Surgery, College of Medicine, Pochon Cha University)
Kim, Chung Hun (Department of Plastic and Reconstruction Surgery, College of Medicine, Pochon Cha University)
Publication Information
Archives of Plastic Surgery / v.35, no.5, 2008 , pp. 569-573 More about this Journal
Purpose: Surgical excision of the subcutaneous tissues, with or without skin excision in the axillary hair-bearing area, has been the treatment of choice in treating osmidrosis for several decades. However, long periods of postoperative immobilization of a shoulder joint, partial necrosis of skin flaps or the possibility of hematoma and scars have occurred frequently. So we used $XPS^{(R)}$ microresector(Shaver) in procedure which requires removal of soft tissue for comparing results between surgical excision and the laters. Methods: From January 2007 to February 2008, a total of 20 patients(8 male and 12 female) underwent $XPS^{(R)}$ microresector(Shaver) assisted aspiration for treating osmidrosis. The mean age of the subjects was 21.9, and we tried to analyze some advantages of $XPS^{(R)}$ microresector(Shaver). Results: The average operation time was 61.6 minutes. This results can show that the patients who received $XPS^{(R)}$ microresector(Shaver) assisted aspiration can accomplish better outcomes than any other procedures in terms of operation time at least. Moreover, no significant postoperative complications occurred in our studies. Subjects have been followed up from 2 months to 1 year and among these patients, no one suffered from critical complications. Conclusion: In brief, $XPS^{(R)}$ microresector(Shaver) is able to shorten the time of operation and simplify the procedures relatively and this device has more superiorities in wound healing by maintaining of vascularized dermal skin flaps. It means that $XPS^{(R)}$ microresector (Shaver) can prevent flap necrosis, axillary hair loss and minimalize scarring and bleeding. Thus, we expect that these advantages can lead to better patient's comfort and self-confidence than several previous procedures.
$XPS^{(R)}$ microresector(Shaver); Osmidrosis;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
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