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Aesthetic Surgery for a Posttraumatically Split Medial Head of the Clavicle  

Choi, M.Seung Suk (Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Hanyang University, College of Medicine)
Publication Information
Archives of Plastic Surgery / v.34, no.4, 2007 , pp. 535-537 More about this Journal
Purpose: We experienced a patient with posttraumatic duplication of the sternoclavicular joint causing a protruding deformity, whose major complaint was aesthetic. The patients history, radiologic findings, and surgical treatment are reported. Methods: A 41-year-old bus driver complained a bony prominence at the left medial clavicle, which had developed after a fracture. The patient was annoyed by the protrusion, which was even visible, when he was wearing a pullover. A three dimensional CT scan showed that the medial head was split into two portions, of which the anterior portion was protruding. In general anesthesia the anterior portion of the medial head was excised. Results: The bony prominence was corrected successfully. Follow up three dimensional CT scans showed that the anterior cortex of the clavicle had regenerated completely at the resection line one year after the operation. Conclusion: Surgical interventions for complications after clavicular fracture are usually carried out, only if there is a limitation of function or if it is painful. We report of a patient with posttraumatic bifurcation of the medial clavicular head, most probably caused by malunion. Upon the patient's request, the deformity causing protrusion of the medial clavicular area was successfully resected for cosmetic reasons.
Clavicle; Fractures; Malunion;
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  • Reference
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