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New Measuring Method of Breast Volume Using Polyethylene Bag and Plaster Molding  

Lee, Seung Jong (Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Yonsei University College of Medicine)
Lee, Hye Kyung (Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, National Health Insurance Corporation Ilsan Hospital)
Tark, Kwan Chul (Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Yonsei University College of Medicine)
Shin, Keuk Shun (Shin Keuk Shun Plastic Surgery, Dr. Shin's. Aesthetic Clinic)
Publication Information
Archives of Plastic Surgery / v.33, no.5, 2006 , pp. 676-679 More about this Journal
Purpose: Breast volume is one of the crucial measurements in preoperative planning and postoperative evaluation of the results in mammoplasty. There are several methods suggested by different authors, but there is still no commonly accepted standard methods for measuring breast volume. To help the surgeons to base their estimation on an objective evaluation, we developed a simple method using Polyethylene bag and plaster molding. Methods: After Polyethylene bags were put in suitable size on both breasts of the patient in upright position, silk plaster was molded on the surface evenly. Then molds can be obtained after marking boundaries of breasts with a pen. Breast volume measurement can be done by filling water in the molds and measuring it. Moreover, postoperative design for natural skin brassier was possible using the molds. Results: This method was applied to 2 patients for reduction mammoplasty and the breast volume measurement was simple, hygienic and accurate, done within 10 minutes. Conclusion: This method using Polyethylene bag and plaster molding has several advantages. 1. It is comparatively accurate regardless of the size and shape of patient's breasts in upright position. 2. Measurement time is short and inconvenience and shame of patients can be reduced by making molds after putting on Polyethylene bags. 3. It is relatively economical and uses easily available hygienic materials. 4. The postoperative shape and volume of breasts can be predicted by using molds preoperatively.
Mammaplasty; Breast volume measurement;
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