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Treatment of Recurrent Ischial Pressure Sore Using Sclerotherapy with Absolute Ethanol  

Song, Hoon (Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, National Medical Center)
Park, Sang Keun (Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, National Medical Center)
Kim, Jong Whan (Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, National Medical Center)
Hong, In Pyo (Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, National Medical Center)
Publication Information
Archives of Plastic Surgery / v.33, no.5, 2006 , pp. 627-631 More about this Journal
Purpose: Ischial region is common site of pressure sore as well as greater trochanteric area. In general, ischial pressure sore associated with a large subcutaneous bursa often requires radical surgical treatment. The authors performed sclerotherapy using absolute ethanol which was considered as an alternative in treating recurrent ischial pressure sore. Methods: From may 2005 to February 2006, 11 ischial pressure sore patients were treated sclerotherapy using absolute ethanol. The authors performed sclerotherapy using absolute ethanol in 11 patients in whom the ischial sore has recurred despite of multiple radical surgical treatment. The patients' original disorders were spinal cord injury in 9 patients, cerebral palsy in 1 patient and giant cell tumor in thoracic vertebrae 1 patient. Results: Recurrence of pressure sore was not found in any patient during the follow-up period. The swap of the bursa taken before the surgery was germ cultured and compared with the discharge from an end of the inserted drain tube. The germ cultured results after the surgery were tested negative in all patients. Conclusion: This method involves causing the bursa to become scarred and closing it up by sterilizing, fixing, and denaturing by the pharmacologic effect of absolute ethanol instead of surgical excision of the bursa. We felt that aforementioned treatment modality may be considered as an alternative in treating recurrent ischial pressure sore.
Absolute ethanol; Sclerotherapy; Pressure sore;
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