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Status and Trend of Home Health Nursing for Long-Term Care Insurance Beneficiaries  

Hwang, Rah Il (College of Nursing, Shinhan University)
Pak, So Young (College of Nursing, Shinhan University)
Publication Information
Journal of East-West Nursing Research / v.25, no.2, 2019 , pp. 157-165 More about this Journal
Purpose: This study aims to provide basic data for the development of measures and promoting home health nursing by examining the current status and trends in home health nursing for long-term care (LTC) insurance beneficiaries. Methods: Secondary data, including annual LTC insurance statistics reports for 2010-2017 and LTC manpower data, were used to compute current status and trends in the provision of home health nursing. Results: Beneficiaries of home health nursing under LTC insurance, insurance-covered costs for home health nursing, home health nursing provider, and home health nursing providing institution only accounted for 3% of all insurance-covered home care services, and were on a consistent decline since 2010. In particular, vulnerable rural regions with high proportion of individuals had poor infrastructure in terms of home health nursing institutions and manpower, but had a higher home health nursing utilization rate compared to urban regions. Conclusion: In addition to measures to support home health nursing service beneficiaries, policy measures are needed to support home health nursing service personnel and institutions. Furthermore, programs to cultivate the expertise of home health nurses and improve quality of home health nursing services should be developed in order to promote home health nursing utilization in vulnerable rural regions.
Home health nursing; Long-term care;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
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