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Factors Affecting the Quality of Life of Family with Terminal Cancer Patients Hospitalized in Hospice Institutions  

Kim, Ae Jin (Kosin University Gospel Hospital)
Choi, Eun Joung (College of Nursing, Kosin University)
Publication Information
Journal of East-West Nursing Research / v.25, no.1, 2019 , pp. 50-59 More about this Journal
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify factors affecting quality of life among family members of patients with terminal cancers hospitalized in hospice institutions. Method: This study used a descriptive design. The participants were 142 families of patients with terminal cancers from 7 hospice institutions from 6 cities in Korea. Data collection was conducted from January 21 through July 31 of 2017 using self-reported questionnaires. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, analysis of variance, the Pearson correlation coefficient, and multiple regression analysis using the SPSS/WIN 18.0 program. Results: Quality of life was positively correlated with spiritual well-being (r=.49) and negatively correlated with burnout (r=-.59). Spiritual well-being was negatively correlated with burnout (r=-.49). Factors influencing the quality of life were burnout, perceived health status and spiritual well-being, which explained 44% of the variance. Conclusion: The findings of this study indicate that it is necessary to develop a nursing intervention program that can improve the quality of life of family members of terminal cancer patients considering burnout.
Hospice; Family; Quality of life; Spirituality; Burnout;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
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