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Self-leadership, Communication, and Team Efficacy of Nursing Students Participated in Integrated Simulation Training  

Ji, Eun Sun (Department of Nursing, Konkuk University Glocal Campus)
Park, Soo Jin (Department of Nursing, Andong Science College)
Son, Mi Seon (Department of Nursing, Graduate School, Konkuk University Glocal Campus)
Publication Information
Journal of East-West Nursing Research / v.25, no.1, 2019 , pp. 1-8 More about this Journal
Purpose: The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationships among self-leadership, communication and team efficacy of nursing students participating in integrated simulation training courses. Methods: Participants were 124 nursing students from the two different schools. Data were collected from December 2018 through January of 2019 and analyzed using t-test, ANOVA and Pearson's correlation coefficients. Results: Self-leadership, communication and team efficacy were significantly different according to satisfaction of major, satisfaction of simulation course and satisfaction of leadership. Also significant correlations were found among self-leadership, communication and team efficacy. Conclusion: The findings of this study indicate that education programs based on simulation courses should be developed to promote self-leadership, communication and team efficacy of nursing students. A diverse simulation curriculum to improve the practical skills of nursing students needs to be developed.
Integrated Simulation Training; Leadership; Communication; Team Nursing;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 6  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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