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Influences of Social Support, Self-esteem and Motivation for Rehabilitation on the Activities of Daily Living in Stroke Patients  

Lee, Ji Ye (Mokpo Jung-Ang Hospital)
Kim, Hye Sook (Department of Nursing, Chodang University)
Publication Information
Journal of East-West Nursing Research / v.20, no.2, 2014 , pp. 145-153 More about this Journal
Purpose: The purposes of this study were to evaluate the degree of social support, self-esteem, and motivation for rehabilitation in stroke patients and examine correlations between activities of daily living and study variables. Furthermore, this study explored factors that influence on activities of daily living. Methods: The study population was 192 stroke patients admitted in two general hospitals and two rehabilitation hospitals in M city. We collected the data using the structured questionnaires from July 11 to September 30, 2013. Results: The higher degree of social support, self-esteem, motivation for rehabilitation, the higher performance level for activities of daily living. Influencing factors of activities of daily living in the participants were motivation for rehabilitation(${\beta}$=.32, p<.001) and social support(${\beta}$=.31, p<.001). The model explained 45.9% of the variance. Conclusion: This study shows that intrinsic motivation of change in stroke patients themselves, a strong will to return to society and social supports are important factors on activities of daily living. Therefore, it is needed to develop a systemic nursing intervention improving activities of daily living in stroke patients through positive social support from patients' family members and health care providers.
Stroke; Social support; Self-esteem; Rehabilitation; Motivation; Activities of Daily Living(ADL);
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
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