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Nursing Needs of the Parents of Infants in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit  

Park, Ji-Sun (Seoul National University Hospital)
Bang, Kyung-Sook (College of Nursing.The Research Institute of Nursing Science, Seoul National University)
Publication Information
Journal of East-West Nursing Research / v.20, no.2, 2014 , pp. 136-144 More about this Journal
Purpose: The purposes of this study were to identify the perceived nursing needs and the differences by general characteristics of parents of infants in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and to provide useful evidences developing a new intervention for family-centered care in NICU. Methods: A convenience sample of 121 parents of infants in NICU was used and the participants asked to complete the Korean version of NICU Family Needs Inventory (NFNI) from April to May, 2014. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test and ANOVA. Results: The participants reported high average score in the perceived nursing needs. In subscales, needs for assurance rated highest score and needs for information, proximity, support, and comfort were followed. Mothers reported higher nursing needs score than fathers except the subscale of support. Conclusion: The findings suggest that nurses in NICU actively provide information about treatment, nursing, results of laboratory tests, and current status to give reassurance to parents. Not only providing informational support of parents of NICU infants, but also finding methods to contact to parents is necessary. In addition, nurses need to provide optimized intervention in current healthcare system and hospital environment.
Neonatal intensive care unit; Parents; Health services needs;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 8  (Citation Analysis)
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