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Subjectivity on Experience of Middle-aged Women Who Attend Self-help Group to Overcome Midlife Crisis: Q Methodology Approach  

Doo, Hyun Jung (Department of Nursing, JinJu Health College)
Publication Information
Journal of East-West Nursing Research / v.19, no.2, 2013 , pp. 78-87 More about this Journal
Purpose: This study has investigated experience of middle aged women who attended a self help group to overcome midlife crisis. Methods: To analyze types of experience that middle aged women attending the self help group went through to overcome midlife crisis, Q-methodology has been used. The 32 selected Q-samples from each of 27 subjects were classified into a shape of normal distribution using a 9-point scale. The collected data were analyzed using a QUANL PC program. The 38 selected Q-samples from each of 27 subjects were classified into a shape of normal distribution using a 9-point scale. The collected data were analyzed using a QUANL PC program. Results: The types of experience were classified into four categories; Type I (attempt to change), Type II (devoted to my role), Type III (tolerance and acceptance) and Type IV (role as a senior citizen). Conclusion: This study is significant in that it has attempted to analyze the approach and usefulness of a self-help group program. It is suggestive that a local society support group may be necessary to help people with midlife crisis and further studies for nursing intervention and strategic development are required.
Middle aged women; Crisis; Q Methodology;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 3  (Citation Analysis)
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