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A Study on the Method for the Self-Reflection of Librarianship  

Lim, Seong-Gwan (휴독서치료연구소, 경기대학교 교육대학원 사서교육전공)
Publication Information
Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society / v.47, no.4, 2016 , pp. 511-535 More about this Journal
This study focuses on the fact that the awareness of problems concerning self-reflection has not been sufficiently addressed in the realm of Library and Information Science, although it has an important effect on the professional development and individual maturity of librarians. Recent research on self-reflection, which is only at the beginning stages of study, has brought up the need for additional and more in-depth analyses of factors that influence self-reflection. This study on the progress of overall research will show the current status and definition of librarians' self-reflection. The study will also illuminate and make suggestions to help direct future research along the lines of librarians' self-reflection and corresponding educational requirements.
Librarian; Specialty of Librarianship; Self-reflection; Self-discovery; Self-realization;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 3  (Citation Analysis)
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