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Knowledge about HPV, and the Attitudes Toward HPV Vaccination among Adult Women in Asian Countries: A Literature Review  

Oh, Hyun-Jin (Department of Nursing, Daejeon University)
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Asian Oncology Nursing / v.11, no.3, 2011 , pp. 171-178 More about this Journal
Purpose: This literature review was conducted to provide a summary of the findings from research on knowledge and attitudes about human papilloma virus (HPV) and HPV vaccination, and studies of its actual uptake among women in Asian countries. Methods: The author searched the Pubmed, CINAHL, and KISS electronic databases to identify peer-reviewed articles published between 2006 and 2011. Results: Seventeen peer-reviewed studies met the inclusion criteria (13 quantitative, 4 qualitative). Findings from seven Asian countries that measured female adult's knowledge of HPV related issues and attitudes toward HPV vaccination were reviewed. Low level of knowledge about HPV and its related conditions, willingness to be vaccinated, and low uptake of vaccines were identified across the studies. Cultural barriers and social stigmatization about HPV vaccination were also discussed. Conclusion: Findings from this review indicate that adult women in Asian countries are in urgent need of improving HPV related knowledge and its actual vaccination. Policy makers, health care providers, and public health educators should take into account the cultural barriers and attitudes toward HPV vaccination in the process of developing and implementing educational programs and interventions for adult women in Asian countries.
Papillomavirus Vaccines; Knowledge; Attitude; Asia;
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