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Composition and Contents of "Haeng Gun Bang Pyeon Pyeon Bang", a Military Medicine Literature  

Oh, Junho (Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine)
Publication Information
Journal of Haehwa Medicine / v.22, no.2, 2014 , pp. 57-66 More about this Journal
Objectives : Features of military medicine and war pattern at the time Methods : "Haeng Gun Bang Pyeon Pyeon Bang", military medicine literature, that allows pattern of ancient war to be inferred was considered. First, background of this literature formation was examined, and the contents included were arranged based on table of contents. Lastly, pattern of war at the time and role of military medicine were studied through the meaning of times and medicine in this book. Results : This book was written by Naseyo(羅世瑤, of an unidentifiable period), an intellectual of Qing Period(淸代) in the 2nd year of Emperor Xianfeng(咸豊 2, 1852). It was composed of total 3 volumes and a book, and 684 prescriptions were written under 6 large sections(大門). Conclusions : This book was written in the middle of spirit of the times of national prosperity and military power caused by defeat in the Opium War and popular publication in a series, an academic current of the times. Though there were many treatments about external wound in this book, thoughts of armed forces and combat by people of the time were reflected, including drying method(乾法) making portable foods, drinking control method(戒酒法) to resolve drinking(飮酒) problem in the armed forces, treatment method of infectious disease, information collection method from enemy troops by confession, and various treatments for diseases of military horse. It is expected that this book will be good material for studies in the field of military medicine and used as material for diverse combination studies such as history and military science.
military medicine; Haeng Gun Bang Pyeon Pyeon Bang; the Opium War;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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