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Studying Correlationship between the Incidence of Stroke and Raising Grandchildren  

Lee, Hye Jin (Dept. of Oriental Internal Medicine, Hospital of Oriental Medicine, Daejeon University)
Kang, Byoung Kab (Division of TKM Integrated Research-Brain Disease Research Center, Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine)
Kim, Jin Hee (Dept. of Oriental Internal Medicine, Hospital of Oriental Medicine, Daejeon University)
Park, Hea Jin (Dept. of Oriental Internal Medicine, Hospital of Oriental Medicine, Daejeon University)
Jeong, Sun Dae (Dept. of Oriental Internal Medicine, Hospital of Oriental Medicine, Daejeon University)
Yoo, Ho Ryong (Dept. of Oriental Internal Medicine, Hospital of Oriental Medicine, Daejeon University)
Kim, Yoon Sik (Dept. of Oriental Internal Medicine, Hospital of Oriental Medicine, Daejeon University)
Seol, In Chan (Dept. of Oriental Internal Medicine, Hospital of Oriental Medicine, Daejeon University)
Jo, Hyun Kyung (Dept. of Oriental Internal Medicine, Hospital of Oriental Medicine, Daejeon University)
Publication Information
Journal of Haehwa Medicine / v.21, no.2, 2013 , pp. 127-132 More about this Journal
Background: Nowadays, increasing women's socio-economic activities increased the grandmothers raising grandchildren. Because of the contemporary situation, the health problems of the care giving grandparents is becoming an issue. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine correlationship between the incidence of stroke and raising grandchildren. Methode: This article contrasts the ratio of recent experience of raising grandchildren of 195 normal and 323 stroke patients, especially women. Result: There were 43.08% of women raising their grandchildren in the normal group while 13.31% of women of stroke patients group were raising their grandchildren before the onset of stroke. Conclusion: The finding suggests the positive effect of raising grandchildren on reducing the risk for stroke.
stroke; incidence; risk factor; grandmother; caregiver;
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