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A Study of the Development of Oriental Herbal Cosmetics for Young Women in their 20s through the Measurement of Facial Skin Conditions and Subjective Questionnaire Survey  

Kim, Kyoung-Shin (Dept. of Physiology, College of Oriental Medicine, Daejeon University)
Hwang, Seock Yeon (Dept. of Biomedical laboratory science, Daejeon University)
Bae, Seon Young (Dep. of Clothing & Textiles, College of Human Ecology, Daejeon University)
Kim, Byoung-Soo (Dept. of Physiology, College of Oriental Medicine, Daejeon University)
Publication Information
Journal of Haehwa Medicine / v.21, no.2, 2013 , pp. 105-112 More about this Journal
In oriental medicine, the skin of the face and the body is the mirror of the viscera and bowels. Skin aging is measured according to the elasticity and glossiness of the skin, which is perceived as a matter of fluid-humor within the realms of oriental medicine. Fluid-humor refers to normal body fluid that makes the skin moist and supple and the hair bright and glossy. If the body is lacking fluid-humor, the hair and skin will be dry and coarse. 'The improvement of fluid-humor (nutrition)' is facilitated based on the oriental physiological change theory for middle-aged women. A new study is therefore necessary to develop oriental herbal cosmetics for young women in their 20s. As yet, there has been no study on the effect of herbal cosmetics formulated for middle-aged women and used by young women in their 20s. This study aims to investigate the effect of 'the improvement of fluid-humor' for the skin of young women in their 20s within the theory of oriental medicine. This kind of study is essential for oriental skin care and the development of diverse oriental herbal cosmetics. To determine the effect of oriental herbal cosmetics on young women in their 20s based on the theory of oriental medicine, which says that a shortage of fluid-humor causes skin aging, this study has examined the skin conditions of young women in their 20s and how satisfied they are with oriental herbal cosmetics through an objective equipment-based measurement and subjective questionnaire survey.
Oriental Herbal Cosmetics; Oriental Medicine; Fluid-humor; Skin; Questionnaire Survey;
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