A Policy Proposal for the Korean Collaboration of Eastern and Western Medicine according to a model of the Chinese Integrative Medicine |
Park, Jeong-Seok
(East-West Cancer Center, Dunsan Oriental Hospital of Daejeon University)
Shin, Byung-Chul (Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Graduate School of Oriental Medicine, Pusan University) Kim, Chun-Bae (Department of Preventive Medicine, Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine) Jeong, Tae-Young (East-West Cancer Center, Dunsan Oriental Hospital of Daejeon University) Lee, Yeon-Weol (East-West Cancer Center, Dunsan Oriental Hospital of Daejeon University) Cho, Chong-Kwan (East-West Cancer Center, Dunsan Oriental Hospital of Daejeon University) Yoo, Hwa-Seung (East-West Cancer Center, Dunsan Oriental Hospital of Daejeon University) |
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