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Inflammatory Pseudotumor Causing Small Bowel Obstruction in a Patient with AIDS  

Kim, Hyun-Soo (Department of Internal Medicine, Gang Dong Kyung Hee University Hospital, Kyunghee University College of Medicine)
Cha, Jae-Myung (Department of Internal Medicine, Gang Dong Kyung Hee University Hospital, Kyunghee University College of Medicine)
Lee, Joung-Il (Department of Internal Medicine, Gang Dong Kyung Hee University Hospital, Kyunghee University College of Medicine)
Joo, Kwang-Ro (Department of Internal Medicine, Gang Dong Kyung Hee University Hospital, Kyunghee University College of Medicine)
Jung, Hyun-Joon (Department of Internal Medicine, Gang Dong Kyung Hee University Hospital, Kyunghee University College of Medicine)
Lee, Chi-Hoon (Department of Internal Medicine, Gang Dong Kyung Hee University Hospital, Kyunghee University College of Medicine)
Lim, Sung-Jig (Department of Pathology, Gang Dong Kyung Hee University Hospital, Kyunghee University College of Medicine)
Na, Ki-Yong (Department of Pathology, Gang Dong Kyung Hee University Hospital, Kyunghee University College of Medicine)
Publication Information
Clinical Endoscopy / v.42, no.4, 2011 , pp. 250-254 More about this Journal
Small bowel obstructions are most commonly caused by adhesions, hernias, neoplasms or inflammatory stricture. Inflammatory pseudotumors are an uncommon cause of small bowel obstruction, even in a patient with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). We have experienced a case of small bowel obstruction caused by an inflammatory pseudotumor in a 38-year old male with AIDS. Abdominal computed tomography showed small bowel obstruction due to jejunal annular wall thickening. Surgical laparotomy showed a non-specific granulomatous inflammatory mass that could not fulfill any diagnostic criteria for a specific disease. This report describes our findings of small bowel obstruction due to an inflammatory pseudotumor and discusses the differential diagnosis of inflammatory pseudotumor in AIDS patients.
Small bowel; Obstruction; Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome; Inflammation; Pseudotumor;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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