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Necessity of the Physical Distribution Cooperation to Enhance Competitive Capabilities of Healthcare SCM -Bigdata Business Model's Viewpoint-  

Park, Kwang-O (Department of Business Administration, Yeungnam University College)
Jung, Dae-Hyun (Division of Business Administration, Pusan National University)
Kwon, Sang-Min (Department of Nursing, Yeungnam University College)
Publication Information
Management & Information Systems Review / v.39, no.3, 2020 , pp. 17-35 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study is to develop business models for current situational scenarios reflecting customer needs emphasize the need for implementing a logistics cooperation system by analyzing big data to strengthen SCM competitiveness capacities. For healthcare SCM competitiveness needed for the logistics cooperation usage intent, they were divided into product quality, price leadership, hand-over speed, and process flexibility for examination. The wordcloud results that analyzed major considerations to realize work efficiency between medical institutes, words like unexpected situations, information sharing, delivery, real-time, delivery, convenience, etc. were mentioned frequently. It can be analyzed as expressing the need to construct a system that can immediately respond to emergency situations on the weekends. Furthermore, in addition to pursuing communication and convenience, the importance of real-time information sharing that can share to the efficiency of inventory management were evident. Accordingly, it is judged that it is necessary to aim for a business model that can enhance visibility of the logistics pipeline in real-time using big data analysis on site. By analyzing the effects of the adaptability of a supply chain network for healthcare SCM competitiveness, it was revealed that obtaining competitive capacities is possible through the implementation of logistics cooperation. Stronger partnerships such as logistics cooperation will lead to SCM competitive capacities. It will be necessary to strengthen SCM competitiveness by searching for a strategic approach among companies in a direction that can promote mutual partnerships among companies using the joint logistics system of medical institutes. In particular, it will be necessary to search for ways to utilize HCSM through big data analysis according to the construction of a logistics cooperation system.
HSCM; Physical Distribution Cooperation; Bigdata; Competitive capability; Wordcloud;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 4  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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