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Factors Influencing Photo Sharing Intention on Instagram based on Uses and Gratification Theory  

Jeon, Joong-Won (Dept. of Business Administration, Graduate School of Chungnam National University)
Jung, Chul-Ho (Dept. of Business Administration, Mokwon University)
Publication Information
Management & Information Systems Review / v.39, no.1, 2020 , pp. 1-13 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study is to empirically analyze the factors influencing user's intention to share photos in Instagram, a representative SNS whose main function is photo sharing. For this purpose, based on the results of reviewing related literature such as uses and gratification theory, the motivation factors for use that are expected to influence the formation of positive perception of Instagram users are derived. The results of empirical analysis of 251 Instagram users are as follows. First, the archive, self-expression, and social relations of Instagram have a positive effect on the usefulness. Second, Instagram's self-expression, social relationship and playfulness were found to have a positive effect on favorable attitude. Lastly, the user's perceived usefulness on Instagram has a positive effect on the favorable attitude, and both the usefulness and favorable attitude have a positive effect on the to photo sharing intention. Based on the results of this study, strategic implications were drawn to enable the spread of services through the positive recognition and the improvement of photo sharing intention of Instagram users.
Instagram; Photo Sharing Intention; Motivation; Usefulness; Favorable Attitude; Uses and Gratification Theory;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 7  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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