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A Study on Chaining Threat Analysis of Cybersecurity against Reactor Protection Systems  

Jung, Sungmin (명지전문대학 인터넷보안공학과)
Kim, Taekyung (명지전문대학 인터넷보안공학과)
Publication Information
Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management / v.18, no.2, 2022 , pp. 39-48 More about this Journal
The application of digital technology to instrumentation and control systems in nuclear power plants has overcome many shortcomings of analog technology, but the threat of cybersecurity has increased. Along with other systems, the reactor protection system also uses digital-based equipment, so responding to cybersecurity threats is essential. We generally determine cybersecurity threats according to the role and function of the system. However, since the instrumentation and control system has various systems linked to each other, it is essential to analyze cybersecurity threats together between the connected systems. In this paper, we analyze the cybersecurity threat of the reactor protection system with the associated facilities. To this end, we quantitatively identified the risk of the reactor protection system by considering safety functions, a communication type, the use of analog or digital-based equipment of the associated systems, and the software vulnerability of the configuration module of the reactor protection system.
Reactor Protection System; Cybersecurity; Nuclear Power Plants; Chaining Threat;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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