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The Effect of Smart Learning User' Learning Motivation Factors on Education Achievement through Practical Value and Hedonic Value  

Mun, Jung Won (남서울대학교 복지경영대학원 빅데이터콘텐츠융합학과)
Kwon, Do soon (청운대학교 교양대학)
Kim, Seong Jun (남서울대학교 복지경영대학원 빅데이터콘텐츠융합학과)
Publication Information
Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management / v.17, no.3, 2021 , pp. 63-83 More about this Journal
The appearance of education is also rapidly changing in social changes represented by social networks. And the development of information and communication technology is also having a widespread effect on the education field. In the era of untact caused by Covid-19, education through smart learning is having a greater effect on students as well as adult learners more quickly and broadly. In addition, smart learning is not just limited to learning content, but is developing into personalized, convergence, and intelligent. The purpose of this study is to identify the factors of ARCS motivation theory that can determine the learning motivation of smart learning users, and to empirically study the casual relationship between these factors on education achievement through practical value and hedonic value. Specifically, I would like to examine how the independent variables ARCS motivation factors (attention, relevance, confidence, and satisfaction) affect learners' education achievement through the parameters of practical value and hedonic value. To this end, a research model was presented that applied the main variables of attention, relevance, confidence, and satisfaction, which are four elements of ARCS motivation theory, a specific and systematic motivational strategy to induce and maintain learners' motivation. In order to empirically verify the research model of this study, a survey was carried out on learners with experience using smart learning. As a result of the study, first attention was found to have a positive effect on the hedonic value. Second, relevance was found to have a positive effect on the hedonic value. Third, it was found that confidence did not have a positive effect on the practical value and the hedonic value. Forth, satisfaction was found to have a positive effect on the practical value and the hedonic value. Fifth, practical value was found to have a positive effect on the education achievement. Sixth, hedonic value was found to have a positive effect on the education achievement. Through this, it can be seen that the intrinsic motivation of learners using smart learning affects the education achievement of users through intrinsic and extrinsic value. A variety of smart learning that combines advanced IT technologies such as AI and big data can contribute to improving learners' education achievement more effectively and efficiently. Furthermore, it can contribute a lot to social development.
Smart Learning; Learning Motivation Factors; Practical Value; Hedonic Value; Education Achievement;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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