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A Study on the Organizational Politics and Turnover Intention by Position in the Mergers and Acquisitions  

Jung, Byoungho (상지대학교 빅데이터사이언스학과)
Lee, Jaejin (인하대학교 산업경영학과)
Publication Information
Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management / v.17, no.3, 2021 , pp. 105-119 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study is to examine the organizational politics, resistance change, turnover intention, and organizational commitment of organizational members during mergers and acquisitions. Recently, many companies are interested in mergers and acquisitions for business diversification and market extension. A merger is a legal consolidation of two entities into one, whereas an acquisition occurs when one entity takes ownership of another entity's stock, equity interests, or assets. This research model establishes a structural equation model. This model is set in a causal relationship between manager's organizational politics, peer organizational politics, and change resistance and the change resistance has a causal relationship of turnover and tissue immersion. In particular, this study will test different of organizational politics by position. Research results, the organizational politics of managers and colleagues have shown increasing change resistance. The change resistance has resulted in a reduction of organizational commitment and an increase of turnover intention. Next, the position analysis showed that top management level, middle management level, and working-level officials showed different organizational politics. The working-level officials are influenced by their manager politics and are influenced in organizational commitment and turnover intention by change resistance. The middle manager level is influenced by the organizational politics of bosses and colleagues, and organizational commitment is weakened by change resistance. The CEO level is not affected by organizational politics in the company, but the turnover intention is strengthened and the organizational commitment is weakened by the change resistance. This study has contributed to further updating the theory of organizational politics based on mergers and acquisitions. As a practical implication, we suggest an organizational integration strategy for a new organization.
Merger & Acquisition; Organizational Politics Perception; Organization Resistance; Organizational Commitment; Turnover Intention;
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