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Developing a Competence Model for Salespeople in Interior Remodeling Business - Focus on LG HAUSYS -  

Kim, Sung Gun (인하대학교 산업경영학과)
Publication Information
Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management / v.17, no.1, 2021 , pp. 45-55 More about this Journal
Recently, competition in the interior remodeling business is fierce. However, the interior remodeling business is basically B2B, and in this business, sales are basically dictated by the capabilities of salespeople. Therefore, in this study, we intend to develop a model for the core competency of salespeople in the interior remodeling business. To this end, based on the research on the existing competency and competency modeling, the competency model of the salesperson was derived using Dubois' overlay method. A total of 12 core competencies could be defined through the first and second modeling. The subject of this study was focused on LG Hausys, the most representative interior remodeling company in Korea. Based on the core competencies developed in this way, overall sales competencies can be raised through the development of a training course to enhance the sales competencies of salespeople, and a more efficient and objective HR.
Interior Business; Competence Modeling; Core Competence; Salespeople Competence; Z:IN;
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