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A Digital Forensic Analysis for Directory in Windows File System  

Cho, Gyusang (동양대학교 컴퓨터정보전학과)
Publication Information
Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management / v.11, no.2, 2015 , pp. 73-90 More about this Journal
When we apply file commands on files in a directory, the directory as well as the file suffer changes in timestamps of MFT entry. Based on understanding of these changes, this work provides a digital forensic analysis on the timestamp changes of the directory influenced by execution of file commands. NTFS utilizes B-tree indexing structure for managing efficient storage of a huge number of files and fast lookups, which changes an index tree of the directory index when files are operated by commands. From a digital forensic point of view, we try to understand behaviors of the B-tree indexes and are looking for traces of files to collect information. But it is not easy to analyze the directory index entry when the file commands are executed. And researches on a digital forensic about NTFS directory and B-tree indexing are comparatively rare. Focusing on the fact, we present, in this paper, directory timestamp changes after executing file commands including a creation, a copy, a deletion etc are analyzed and a method for finding forensic evidences of a deletion of directory containing files. With some cases, i.e. examples of file copy and file deletion command, analyses on the problem of timestamp changes of the directory are given and the problem of finding evidences of a deletion of directory containging files are shown.
Timestamp; Direcotory; Digital Forensics; NTFS; Windows; B-tree;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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