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Design and Implementation of a Smartphone-based User-Convenance Home Network Control System using Gesture  

Jeon, Byoungchan (청운대학교 방송연기학과)
Cha, Siho (청운대학교 멀티미디어학과)
Publication Information
Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management / v.11, no.2, 2015 , pp. 113-120 More about this Journal
Under the penetration of smartphones equipped with a variety of features grows globally, the efficient using of a variety of functions of smartphones has been increased. In accordance with this trend, a lot of researches on the remote control method using the smart phone for consumer products in home networks. Input methods of the current smpartphoes are typically button-based inputs through touching. The button input methods are inconvenient for people who are not familiar touch. Therefore, the researches on the different input schemes to replace the touch methods are required. In this paper, we propose a gesture based input method to replace the touch-sensitive input that of the existing smartphone applications, and a way to apply it to home networks. The proposed method uses three-axis acceleration sensor which is built into smatphones, and it also defines six kinds of gestures patterns that may be applied to home network systems by measuring the recognition rates.
Home Network; Smartphone; Tree Axis Acceleration Sensor; Gesture; Recognition Rate;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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