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Digital Image Processing Using Tunable Q-factor Discrete Wavelet Transformation  

Shin, Jong Hong (숭실사이버대학교 융합정보보안학과)
Publication Information
Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management / v.10, no.3, 2014 , pp. 237-247 More about this Journal
This paper describes a 2D discrete-time wavelet transform for which the Q-factor is easily specified. Hence, the transform can be tuned according to the oscillatory behavior of the image signal to which it is applied. The tunable Q-factor wavelet transform (TQWT) is a fully-discrete wavelet transform for which the Q-factor, Q, of the underlying wavelet and the asymptotic redundancy (over-sampling rate), r, of the transform are easily and independently specified. In particular, the specified parameters Q and r can be real-valued. Therefore, by tuning Q, the oscillatory behavior of the wavelet can be chosen to match the oscillatory behavior of the signal of interest, so as to enhance the sparsity of a sparse signal representation. The TQWT is well suited to fast algorithms for sparsity-based inverse problems because it is a Parseval frame, easily invertible, and can be efficiently implemented. The TQWT can also be used as an easily-invertible discrete approximation of the continuous wavelet transform. The transform is based on a real valued scaling factor (dilation-factor) and is implemented using a perfect reconstruction over-sampled filter bank with real-valued sampling factors. The transform is parameterized by its Q-factor and its oversampling rate (redundancy), with modest oversampling rates (e. g. 3-4 times overcomplete) being sufficient for the analysis/synthesis functions to be well localized. Therefore, This method services good performance in image processing fields.
Wavelet Transform; Constant Q Transform; Sparse Signal Representation;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 3  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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