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A Study on Secure Routing using Secure Zone and Nodes Authentication in Wireless Ad Hoc Network  

Yang, Hwan Seok (중부대학교 정보보호학과)
Publication Information
Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management / v.10, no.3, 2014 , pp. 161-169 More about this Journal
Wireless Ad Hoc Network is suitable for emergency situations such as and emergency, disaster recovery and war. That is, it has a characteristic that can build a network and use without help of any infrastructure. However, this characteristic is providing a cause of many security threats. In particular, routing attack is not applied the existing routing methods as it is and it is difficult to determine accurately whether nodes that participate in routing is malicious or not. The appropriate measure for this is necessary. In this paper, we propose a secure routing technique through a zone architecture-based node authentication in order to provide efficient routing between nodes. ZH node is elected for trust evaluation of the member nodes within each zone. The elected ZH node issues a certification of the member nodes and stores the information in ZMTT. The routing involvement of malicious nodes is blocked by limiting the transfer of data in the nodes which are not issued the certification. The superior performance of the proposed technique is confirmed through experiments.
Secure Routing; Routing Protocol; Authentication; Wireless Ad Hoc Network;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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