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A Study of the Alternative Means of Korean Resident Registration Number using the Authorized Certificate  

Lee, Young Gyo (서일대학교 인터넷정보과)
Ahn, Jeong Hee (두원공과대학교 스마트폰컨텐츠과)
Publication Information
Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management / v.10, no.3, 2014 , pp. 107-117 More about this Journal
The personal information extrusion accident(hacking, improper maintenance) by the internet has been increased rapidly during the last ten-year period. The personal information includes Korean resident registration number, name, cellphone number, home telephone number, E-mail address, home address, etc. Korean resident registration number is unchangeable from the cradle to the grave. Illegally accessed personal information can be wrongfully resoled or used at phishing scam. In this paper, we propose a alternative means of Korean resident registration number using the authorized certificate. The authorized certificate is in use safely in Internet. The authorized certificate(included Chinese name) is in used in offline service, the authorized certificate(included English name) is used in online(for government service) and the authorized certificate(not included name) is used in online(for private service). The authorized certificates are possible for discard, republication. The method can reduce the possibility of the personal information extrusion.
Korean Resident Registration Number; Authorized Certificate; Personal Information;
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  • Reference
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