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Intrusion Detection Algorithm in Mobile Ad-hoc Network using CP-SVM  

Yang, Hwan Seok (중부대학교 정보보호학과)
Publication Information
Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management / v.8, no.2, 2012 , pp. 41-47 More about this Journal
MANET has vulnerable structure on security owing to structural characteristics as follows. MANET consisted of moving nodes is that every nodes have to perform function of router. Every node has to provide reliable routing service in cooperation each other. These properties are caused by expose to various attacks. But, it is difficult that position of environment intrusion detection system is established, information is collected, and particularly attack is detected because of moving of nodes in MANET environment. It is not easy that important profile is constructed also. In this paper, conformal predictor - support vector machine(CP-SVM) based intrusion detection technique was proposed in order to do more accurate and efficient intrusion detection. In this study, IDS-agents calculate p value from collected packet and transmit to cluster head, and then other all cluster head have same value and detect abnormal behavior using the value. Cluster form of hierarchical structure was used to reduce consumption of nodes also. Effectiveness of proposed method was confirmed through experiment.
Mobile Ad-hoc Network; IDS; Anomaly Detection; SVM;
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  • Reference
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