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The Influence of Followership to Leadership Styles and Empowerment in IT SMEs  

Lee, Yeong Shin (영남이공대학교 전자정보계열)
Publication Information
Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management / v.8, no.2, 2012 , pp. 229-244 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study is to highlight the effects of the two leadership styles, namely: transformational leadership and transactional leadership, on the different types of followership through analyzing their impact in the productivity and competitiveness of human resources in IT SMEs. The paper focuses on determining whether transformational leadership or transactional leadership is more effective as shown by the levels of empowerment derived from these two types of leadership under study. From this study, alien, role model and passive types of followership, transformational leadership appears to be more influential for personal empowerment. As for group level of empowerment, the transformational type of leadership shows higher effectiveness in alien, role model, passive, and practical types of followership. On the other hand, transactional leadership yields positive impact on practical and conformist types of followership. In summary, personal empowerment plays a direct impact on group empowerment. Thus, with the exception of conformist type of followership, transformational leadership has more impact in human resources of IT SMEs.
IT SME; Leadership; Followership; Empowerment;
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  • Reference
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